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1. Object Tabs

Cirrus Shield gather all your data into tabs called “Objects”. An object is a set of fields in which are included information of your data.

Cirrus Shield objects includes Leads, contacts, companies, opportunities, reports and much more.

For example, the Lead objects contains fields with information describing the potential clients of your company, such as their name, position, phone numbers, status and the companies they work for.

In Cirrus Shield, the object tabs will be on the left of your screen.

To Edit a Tab:

Log in to Cirrus Shield with your administrator profile.Click on your name, then select Setup.Go to the Tabs tab, and click on Edit Lead.Replace the Lead Label by Prospect.Click Save.

To Create a New Tab:

Log in to Cirrus Shield with your administrator profile.Click on your name, then select Setup.Go to the Tabs tab, and click on New.Select Object tab from the drop-down list (Type)Enter the Name of your tab in the label field.Select an object from the Custom Object drop-down. In this case, the Lead.

 2. Web Tabs

Web tabs allow you to display a web pages like a google calendar, a satisfaction form, your website, etc. inside the Cirrus Shield CRM.

To create a Web tab:

Log in to Cirrus Shield with your administrator profile.Click on your name, then select Setup.Go to the Tabs tab, and click on New.Select Web tab from the drop-down list (Type)Enter the Name of your tab in the label field.Choose the Layout of the page.Enter the Link of the site you want to display.Choose a Icon for the tab if you want.

Note that for best result you should enter 800 pixels in the Content Frame Height.

Important information :

If the Web Tab is “blank”, it is because some websites do not allow to display their site on another domain.

3. Set Tab Permission

Cirrus Shield allows you to setup profiles that define which features and operations are accessible to the users.

For example, the HR department doesn’t need to have information about the leads. So you can choose to hide this tab from the HR department.

Log in to Cirrus Shield with your administrator profile.Click on your name, then select Setup.Go to the Tabs tab, and click on Details Lead.Click on Profile (on the top right).Click on Edit and choose which profile can see the tab.

Related Topic : Profile

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