Configure your company’s details in Cirrus Shield by adding business information such as name, logo, fiscal year, or time zone.
Edit Company Details
To change your company details:
- Log in to Cirrus Shield with your administrator profile.
- Click on your name, then select Setup.
- Go to the Organization tab, and click on edit to add the necessary details of your company.
Personalize your logo
In order to customize your account, Cirrus Shield allow you to replace the logo of Cirrus Shield by your company logo. The new logo will appear for all users within your CRM account.
To personalize your logo:
- Log in to Cirrus Shield with your administrator profile.
- Click on your name, then select Setup.
- Go to the Organization tab, and click on edit in the Company Details page, click Upload your logo.
- Browse and upload the logo. The logo should be in .jpg / .png / .gif format.
Note that the size of the image should not exceed 40 KB and for best result, use an image having width 200px and for height 70px.
Set Organization Time Zone
You can define a common time zone in your Cirrus Shield account. Every field with a datatype “Date and time” will take into consideration the time zone (for example: Callback date)
To set the organization’s time zone:
- Log in to Cirrus Shield with your administrator profile.
- Click on your name, then select Setup.
- Go to the Organization tab, and click on edit in the Company Details page, select the Country Locale and Time Zone from the drop-down list.
Set Up Fiscal Year
Adjust your company’s fiscal year to use this information for reporting purposes.
To set up fiscal year:
- Log in to Cirrus Shield with your administrator profile.
- Click on your name, then select Setup.
- Go to the Organization tab, and click on edit.
- In the Company Details page, select the Fiscal Start Month from the drop-down list.
Set Up your Email Server
Send emails directly from your domain. Cirrus Shield allows you to configure your SMTP server so that emails are sent from your domain and not from a third-party domain.
Note : if you have a GMail account you wish to use for sending emails from Cirrus Shield, you have to turn on 2-step verification on your GMail account and create an application password for Cirrus Shield. Please follow the procedure described here : Turn on 2-Step Verification
Configure your mail server for Gmail
1. Activate 2-step verification on your Gmail account:
- Log into your Gmail account
- Select security in the navigation panel.
- Under sign in to google, select 2-step verification then follow the instructions.
- For more information, you can visit the following link:

2. Create an app password:
- On your google account, select security again.
- Under “sign in to google”, select application passwords.
- At the bottom of the page, tap select app.
- For the name of the application, choose personalized and write Cirrus-Shield.
- The password will be generated and you can use it.
- For more information, you can visit the following link:

- Set up your Cirrus-Shield account to be able to send emails
- Connect to Cirrus-Shield.
- Go to Setup.
- Tap the “Organization” tab and enter the required information:
- SMTP username and SMTP password are your Gmail account and the new password generated in step 2 respectively.
- In SMTP server, enter:
- In SMTP port, enter 587.

Changing the system language in Cirrus Shield
Cirrus Shield’s system language can be easily modified by any user.
To access your system language settings:
- Click on your name at the top right of the screen then on “My Profile”.

2. Click on your name (on the left).

3. Click on “Edit”.

4. You will find in the 2nd column on the right, the language of your system.

5. Choose the language that you want to use in your system.
6. Click on “Save”.

Set Currency
You can define a common currency in your Cirrus Shield account. By default, the currency is set to EUR (€) but user(s) with administrator profile can change the currency settings based on where you do business.
Once you set the required currency locale in your organization settings, all currency fields display in that currency.
To set the organization’s currency:
- Log in to Cirrus Shield with your administrator profile.
- Click on your name, then select Setup.
- Go to the Organization tab, and click on edit.
- In the Company Details page, select the Currency from the drop-down list.