Cirrus Shield gather all your data into modules called “Objects“. An object is similar to a table containing your data. Each column in this table corresponds to a field in your object.
Cirrus Shield objects are available on the navigation menu and include Leads, contacts, companies, opportunities, reports and much more.
For example, the Lead objects contains fields with information describing the potential clients of your company, such as their name, position, phone numbers, status and the companies they work for.
There are two types of objects in Cirrus Shield :
- Standard Objects are included in the Cirrus Shield CRM and vary according to the licence your company purchases.
- Custom Objects are created to meet your company’s specific business needs.
The administrator system can modify standard objects or create custom objects that meet your unique business requirements. For example your organization may decide to create a custom object called “Invoices” to track their invoices within the Cirrus Shield CRM but they can also choose to rename the standard object “Companies” to “Clients”.
To Edit a Standard Object (Ex: “Companies”):
- Log in to Cirrus Shield with your administrator profile.
- Click on your name, then select Setup.
- Go to the Object tab, and click on Edit Company.
- Write “Client” instead of “Company” in the Label field.
- Write “Clients” instead of “Companies” in the Plural Label field.
- Click on Save.
To Create a Custom Object (Ex: “Invoices”):
- Log in to Cirrus Shield with your administrator profile.
- Click on your name, then select Setup.
- Go to the Object tab, and click on New.
- Write “Invoice” in the Label field.
- Write “Invoices” in the Label Plural field.
- If you want, choose an icon in the Image File field.
- Click on Save.
Note that the Object Name field will be automatically filled, but you can change the name if needed. If you want to change the name you have to put an underscore ” _ ” between each word (for example : Invoices_Number).