1. Filtering on Checkbox Fields
When filtering on checkbox field, use the following terms in the “Value” to specify if the box is checked or not :
- True = Checked
- False = Not checked
Let’s take for example that you want to see all the leads who have read your email.
To do that, choose the Field “Email Read” in the drop-down list, then select the “Equals” Operator, and finally enter True in the field Value.
2. Filtering on Date or Date/Time Fields
If entering a date, use the following format : YYYY-MM-DD (2017-02-27).
If the field also contain time then the format will be : YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS+TZ (2017-02-07 12:42:55+01) where TZ is the timezone.
if the datatype of a field is date/time (Eg. Modification date) and you want to filter the records by modification date, without setting the time (Eg. 2017/03/09), then enter the following :
- Modification date greater than 2017-03-09 00:00:00+01*
- Modification date lower than 2017-03-09 00:00:00+01*
* (+01) is the timezone and it can be different from one organization to another (to know your timezone go the setup, and click on the Organisation tab.)
You can also insert the format Today, Tomorrow, Thisweek, Nextyear, Lastyear… in the field. Cirrus Shield will give you all the records from these dates.
Here is the list of all the possible values:
Yesterday / Today / Tomorrow / LastWeek / ThisWeek / NextWeek / LastMonth / ThisMonth / NextMonth / LastnDays (n being an integer) / NextnDays (n being an integer) / LastQuarter / ThisQuarter / NextQuarter / LastYear / ThisYear / NextYear / LastFiscalQuarter / ThisFiscalQuarter / NextFiscalQuarter / LastFiscalYear / ThisFiscalYear / NextFiscalYear
Ex: We want to create the filtered view This week’s tasks
- Go to the Task Tab.
- Click on New Filtered List.
- Choose in the filter criteria : Deadline Equals ThisWeek
3. Filtering on Picklist Values
When filtering on Picklist or multi-select picklist fields, use a Comma or Quotation mark between values.
Let’s take for example that you want to see all the opportunities “Closed, Won” and “In Buying Process” in your company.
To do that, choose the Field “Stage” in the drop-down list, then select the “Equals” Operator, and finally enter “Closed, Won”,”In Buying Process” in the field Value.
Note that :
- The use of the quotation mark will help you if you have a comma in the picklist value (Eg: Closed, Won).
- The picklist value must be correctly written, if not an error message will appear “Picklist value does not exist”.
4. Filtering on Numeric Values
If filtering on Currency or Percentage fields, do not use “$” or “%”.
Only write the numbers (Eg: 10 instead of 10% or 120000 instead of 120,000$).
Note that blank values are not considered as zero (0).
5. Filtering on Lookup Fields
Filtering Lookup Fields do not differ from the others.
You only need to choose the lookup field let’s say “Account Name”, select the operators for example “Contains” and finally the value “ABC”.
6. Filtering on Text Fields
Filtering is case sensitive. For example, searching “Company” contains ABC returns all matches for “ABC” but not “abc”.