This function is used to get any user’s information using either his Id or his username. The returned data is: Id, Google Calendar ID , Language , Locale, time zone, time zone number.
When this function is called, if the Id is given as a parameter it will be considered first and then if the username is provided as a parameter it will be considered. One or the other parameter has to be provided with the other being null but the two parameters cannot be null.
- Function: GetUser(UserName, UserGUID)
- Optional Parameter: useLocaleFormatting [bool]: allows returning fields of type Date/DateTime/Number/Currency/Percent in the user’s locale format. translate to french
- Usage: var objUser = GetUser(UserName, UserGUID);
- Output:
- Id: “1792087569727490718”
- Google_Calendar_ID: “”
- Language: “fr”
- LocaleSidKey: “fr_FR”
- TimeZoneSidKey: “Europe_Paris”
- TimeZoneSidKeyNumber: “+01”