Let’s take a minute to define the key concepts as well as other terms that you will need to know as you progress through Cirrus Shield. The concepts here will help you understand how Cirrus Shield works and the terms will help you understand the signification of key words.
Public Cloud
No Technical resouces required for server maintenance.
Automatic Updates.
Available 24/7.
Minimal investment needed.
Evolving, customizable according to your needs.
Private Cloud
Server maintenance can be outsources to a third party.
Easier upgrades than when on-premise.
Available 24/7.
Better compliance when data privacy is a concern.
Allows for full control to teams managing the environment.
On premise
Compliant when data privacy is a concern.
Allows IT teams to have full control over deployment, equipment, security, and data.
Easier to integrate with applications that are deployed on the internal network of the company.
The location where your data resides. Each licensed users have an organization, which automatically includes the CRM tools.
In Cirrus Shield, objects are available on the navigation menu. Cirrus Shield offers many standard objects, such as leads, contacts, companies or opportunities. But you can also create customs objects.
A location in which you store a value, for example a name or an address. Each objects have fields.
A series of fields, objects, authorizations, reports and functionalities to manage a business process. Cirrus Shield provides standard apps, which you can modify, such as Sales, Marketing and Customers service. But you can create custom apps, as well.
A gathering of fields that store information about a specific object.