- URL:
« /RestApi/DescribeAll?authToken=<authToken> »
- Method: GET
- URL Params:
- authToken [string] [Required]=the authentication token
- Success Response:
- Status Code=200 (OK)
- Returned Data [in XML or JSON]=a list of all the objects of the user organization
- Error Response:
- Status Code=401 (Unauthorized) (in case of a wrong authentication token)
Example of returned data (in xml format):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Fields i:nil="true"/>
<Fields i:nil="true"/>
<Fields i:nil="true"/>
<Fields i:nil="true"/>
<Fields i:nil="true"/>
<Label>Login History</Label>
<PluralLabel>Login History</PluralLabel>
<Fields i:nil="true"/>