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  7. Get Data By Column

Get Data By Column

This function is used to get the record details based on the column name and value provided and it returns the data of the field names provided.

Function: GetDataByColumn(<Column Name>, (<Column Value>, <Object Name>, <Field Names>)

Optional Parameter: useLocaleFormatting [bool]: allows returning fields of type Date/DateTime/Number/Currency/Percent in the user’s locale format. translate to french

Usage: var Task = GetDataByColumn(“Name”, “Annual Meeting – ABC 2016″,”Task”,”Id,Name,Start,End,Description,Location,Attendees,OwnerId”);Output:Success:The object can be used like this:

If the result returns only 1 record:Task.IdTask.NameIf the result returns more than 1 record:

var Events = GetDataByColumn(“Lead”, GetRecordGUID(), “Event”, “Id”);

if (Events != null) {

if (Events.length != undefined) {

for (var i = 0; i < Events.length; i++) {





Failure:An error message will be displayed

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